Embrace a Dynamic, Proactive Growth Engine Powered by Connectivity

Brokers play a pivotal role in the benefits industry - ensuring employers have high-quality, cost-effective benefit plans for employees and increasing revenue for carriers.
Today’s solutions and tools for Brokers are chaotic and disparate, forcing Brokers to spend more time on administration tasks than selling.

OneKonnect’s Intelligent Benefits Portal empowers Brokers with access to the nation’s largest interconnected private data network, leveraging synergies and automation to save time and resources, while focusing on increasing the bottom line.


Accelerate the processing and integration of incoming data. Transmit outgoing data in multiple standards and protocols.

Intelligent Benefits Portal

Transform your benefits ecosystem into a dynamic, proactive growth engine

Save Time & Resources While Growing Your Top Line

Increase Sales Through Intelligent Matching

Easily market your products and services to both employers and their employees all year round. Leverage our Portal tools set subscriptions for various life event triggers to engage a new sale and set the intelligent matching tool to auto-match your products to employers and employee users.

Provide Automation to Employers

Easily market your products and services We are already integrated with over 29 HR & Benefit Administration platforms, and can process .CSV or .XLS files of group data to provide your employers with carrier connectivity through one of our many avenues.

Reduce Employer Time & Effort

Easily market your products and services Leverage OneKonnect’s carrier connectivity services and Billing Solutions to save employers over 40 hours a month in administration and over $4,000 in overspending.

Largest Benefits Ecosystem of Integrations

Easily market your products and services A single source connected to multiple platforms and hundreds of carriers & payroll providers, we offer services from initial loads, open enrollment management and ongoing group maintenance related to new hires, terminations & life events.

Move Beyond Alerts To Build Revenue

Increase Upsell /
Cross-Sell Conversions

Access time-sensitive, personalized recommendations to maximize purchase intent.

Lower Customer Acquisition Costs

Leverage real-time, life-changing event notifications to share appropriate messaging.

Enhance Persistency

Increase the likelihood of employees continuing to maintain their agent/carrier relationship even if separated from their employer.

Optimize Operational Efficiency

Automate notifications and transactions & optimize workflows to minimize your administrative burden.

Expand Product Visibility

Showcase your full portfolio to previously untapped segments, unlocking new revenue streams.

Enhance Customer Satisfaction

Utilize personalized experiences and frictionless transactions to boost customer loyalty.

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